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Memorial Day will soon be upon us. For most this is the kickoff of summer, but for those that live in a tourist beach community it is even more so. They recently moved speed limits in several areas on the island down by 10mph to help with the increase in vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The businesses will all be open (as staffing allows) and packed from here until the end of the season.

Baseball season is winding down but still happening. Elijah loves it so much he is constantly asking when practice is!  I’m grateful for amazing coaches who are taking the time to pour into our kids, but also have fun with them too!  We have met a few new people through baseball, and are really enjoying the shoulder time spent with Bible Study families as we have tried to attend as many of the kids games as possible.

KJ has met with Pastor Tim for lunch a few times, and they are encouraging one another and sharing burdens as well. What a blessing to have a pastor friend “close” by!  It has caused fun confusion in our house as we now have to differentiate between Tim from Bible Study and Pastor Tim.

KJ attended in service training for his chaplaincy with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol this month. It is training that is required each year for Patrol Chaplains. KJ enjoyed spending time with other chaplains and learning more about the program.

The USDA loan helper Sharon has been working with us explained in a recent phone call that because they use two years of income, we don’t currently have what is needed to qualify.  Also the program is out of allocated funds for this fiscal year. So we will try applying at year’s end once we have two years of higher income and the program gets more funding.

Last week, we weren’t able to meet at the Fire Department due to primary voting, so we held an ice cream social at the Pastor’s house. Several of our Bible Study members came, and we even had a vacationing family decide to join us! The father was a firefighter, so he and KJ had a good visit about that.

KJ has joined the Avon Fire Department as their official chaplain, but also is a probationary firefighter. So he has been spending his Monday nights at the fire station training and getting to know those who serve Avon/Hatteras Island in that way.

June is going to be a busy month!  Due to the isolation of Hatteras Island, we often have to travel for medical appointments, and most places won’t see four new patients from a family in one day. Even if you come from hours away!  So KJ has an appointment in Edenton, and a separate one in Kitty Hawk. Sharon and the boys will wait until August to be seen at the same Dr in Edenton. We are honored to get to help represent NAMB and Send Network at the Convention in Indianapolis, so we will be dropping the kiddos off at Grandma Nita’s and driving that way.  After we return, KJ will be speaking at our Sending Church, Island Church at Emerald Isle.

As you pray for us this coming month, please pray specifically for:

  • Those who work hard to keep the island running. Summer is hard for them as they are often unseen, or treated like servants instead of people.
  • The businesses that are struggling to find employees. With the housing crisis and lack of affordable options, several businesses are having to close on days when they would normally be open and that hurts their business.
  • Those we have met and built relationships with during baseball season. One of the moms expressed interest in attending the Bible Study Sharon does with the women on Wednesday night. Please pray that she (and all the ladies!) will be encouraged and learn more about God’s word through that study.
  • Pray for Pastor Tim and his ministry in the Tri-Villages. Pray he continues to focus on Jesus, and that his church members grow in their relationship with Jesus.
  • The Troopers from district A1 of the NC state Highway Patrol, and their secretary as they are doing their best to keep the highways safe during a chaotic time of year. Also pray for the summer Troopers that will temporarily be located in our area over the season.
  • The firefighters of the Avon Volunteer Fire Department. As with most agencies across the nation, they are struggling with recruitment, and need more dedicated firefighters responding to calls. But also pray for the safety of those responding and that KJ will represent Jesus well in that environment.
  • Pray for the convention. As you may or may not know, there are several issues at hand.  Pray that we are able to speak and hear one another, and that we can agree or disagree gracefully, and remember the example Jesus set. Also pray that we represent One Church, Send NC, Send Network, and NAMB well at the convention, keeping the main thing the main thing. (That’s Jesus!)
  • Pray for all of the upcoming travel and appointments.

We are so thankful for each of you and we know without you there is no way we could be doing ministry on this expensive island, and take the time to build the relationships that are needed in a rural atmosphere. We truly are following God’s call to build a community of Christ followers first, and out of that, God will build a church!