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Hospitality: “Taking every opportunity to open your heart, home and life to others in order to display the goodness and faithfulness of God.” 

Tara Dew recently posted this definition on her Facebook page.  I'll admit that I never would have said that hospitality was one of my gifts until I read this definition. Our home is always open and we love having friends pop in and out and living life side by side with those God has brought into our path.

A couple years ago we decided that instead of going to a church members house for Thanksgiving, we would host our own, and open our home to those with nowhere to go. So as the holiday approached this year,  KJ and I discussed doing the same thing. After talking with neighbors and core team members, we decided to go for it! Two days before Thanksgiving, I got word that someone we thought was coming couldn't make it. And Someone else also wouldn't be there. I was kind of bummed, but still excited that our friends and immediate neighbors would join us. I posted a reminder on Facebook and a friend texted. They had nowhere to go, could her family of 7 join us?  Then a stranger from the community asked directions.  Someone coming invited family members who were going to join them.  My excitement level started to rise. 

We were packed inside our little duplex on Thanksgiving evening.  Thankfully Adrienne had helped set up the space to hold more folks, and our neighbors had cooked a second turkey.  Lots of folks brought extra food and paper goods.  We talked and laughed, (and ate!) and gave thanks.  We were a mix of folks from different walks of life.  Some church goers, others not. When everyone left, I was grinning from ear to ear. Hospitality feels pretty good.

Please pray that the community would see the love of Jesus through us.  As the kiddos have been learning in Bible Study, "God created everything for His glory and our good," and I am thankful.